
We believe one of the major advantages of the solution lies in its consensus mechanism design. This provides significant capacity and scalability benefits compared to other solutions in this field. Generally, Web3 infrastructures are less efficient due to their distributed nature and inherent lack of trust. However, with this design, the network coordinator, which maintains the global ledger and global states, is relieved from handling large data storage or the heavy computation tasks common in most AI servicing processes. Instead, these tasks are delegated to participant nodes with ample resources. Participants are given strong cryptoeconomic incentives to act honestly and diligently. This creates a system that is largely self-governing, further enhancing the solution's capacity and scalability. Beyond the reputation protocol and POT protocol, participants are regulated by a community DAO. For instance, if any service provider fails to provide the necessary service and bandwidth for a smooth exchange process, they may face penalties. This could come in the form of other nodes on the network voting against them in a community motion within the DAO. Consequently, the consensus mechanism ensures that participants remain committed to their orders and services, guaranteeing system liveliness.

Another major advantage of the solution, compared to others, is the design of its L1-L2 system structure, which ensures easy system upgradability. AI is a rapidly changing industry, with new types of services and models emerging daily. The protocol employs Layer-2 (on-chain) applications for depositing, withdrawing, and transferring users' assets, while the majority of operations are conducted on Layer-1 (off-chain) to facilitate upgradability. To integrate new services, miners and coordinators can simply upgrade to the latest version of the software. Subsequently, clients will have the ability to specify these new service types in their orders. In theory, the system can incorporate any kind of AI service into the L1 infrastructure.

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