Economic model analysis: charged vs. uncharged approaches

Most existing decentralized AI products attempt to collect micropayments for every user request at their own dedicated rates. As a result, these platforms require users to continually purchase cryptocurrency to pay for services and bandwidth. This suggests that the services might not be readily available for the general public to access for free via their browsers. Meanwhile, the quality of services varies widely, ranging from large-scale enterprises offering high-quality services to home computer and GPU providers renting out resources with slow internet connections. Users often remain unaware of the quality of the services they are using, yet they are continuously charged. All of these create transaction frictions and prevent large scale commercialization and adoption of the decentralized AI apps. All of these factors create transaction frictions and prevent large-scale commercialization and adoption of the decentralized AI apps. In the following subsections, we will provide solutions for both charged and uncharged scenarios.

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