The global ledger, coordinator nodes and peer to peer connections

In our decentralized AI service network, a central element called the Global Ledger is crucial for recording all key interactions. This ledger is made up of three primary sections:

  1. Orders Record: This part of the ledger keeps track of all the orders clients place within the network. Each order includes specific details like the service needed, the data required for the task, and, in cases where payment is involved, the associated rewards.

  2. Task Cycle Data: Here, information about the entire lifecycle of tasks is recorded, from the provision of AI services to the distribution of rewards. This includes details like signatures confirming the creation of services, any exchanges of value (like payments or rewards), and feedback such as comments and ratings from clients.

  3. Node Info: This section holds information about all the service providers registered in the network. It records their reputation, their history of performance, and other relevant details. All these components work together to enhance the network's efficiency by making operations transparent and easily trackable.

The coordinator node has a vital role in this system. It's responsible for publishing transactions on the blockchain and keeping contract states updated. To manage and synchronize the Global Ledger effectively, it uses Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanisms, like the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance algorithm (PBFT).

These coordinator nodes also act as points of access for the ledger, making sure its data is always available for various operations within the network. They store and manage a synchronized copy of the Global Ledger and provide other network participants with on-demand access to this data.

Miners in the network have the job of providing stable data transfer links to ensure the availability of AI service outputs throughout the task cycle. If they fail to do this, it could result in negative feedback for the orders they complete. Clients also have a responsibility; they need to download necessary data to their local storage to make the exchange of services more efficient.

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