
Client Cycle

We provide an overview of the client cycle, which includes the Put, Get, and Rate protocols, covering the complete cycle from initiating the request to receiving and commenting on the services.

  1. Put: The client places orders requesting AI service.

    • Clients can request AI services using staked pass or utility tokens.

    • The Put process begins with the client submitting an order.

    • Coordinators decide which service provider handles the order (unless pre-specified in the charged case).

    • Coordinator nodes submit job allocation messages to the global ledger.

    • Clients can choose free or charged services by providing relevant information in the order message. Charged services may offer higher quality outputs.

  2. Get: Client retrieves the model from the network.

    • Clients access AI service outputs once complete.

    • A direct peer-to-peer link connects the client and miner, initiated by coordinator nodes.

    • The service provider sends AI results directly to the client.

    • A completion confirmation is sent to the coordinator, updating the global ledger with a completed job task.

    • Miners must ensure output availability to maintain their reputation.

  3. Rate: Clients rate the service providers.

    • Clients send a signed message to the global ledger commenting on the service output.

    • Note: A client's reputation score on a service provider is based on the latest rating, replacing previous comments.

Client Cycle Overview

StepDescriptionKey Points


Client places orders requesting AI service

- Use of staked pass or utility tokens - Coordinators assign service providers - Job allocations recorded in the global ledger - Options for free or charged services


Client retrieves model from the network

- Direct peer-to-peer link between client and miner - Service provider sends AI results directly - Completion confirmation updates the global ledger - Miners responsible for output availability


Clients rate the service providers

- Clients provide feedback via the global ledger - Only latest ratings affect reputation

Mining Cycle (for Service Providers)

  1. Register: Service Providers pledge resources to the network.

    • Providers deposit collateral via Miner.RegisterResource.

    • Collateral is locked in for the service duration and returned upon Miner.UnRegisterResource.

    • Registered providers can generate model claims for the global ledger.

  2. Service Executables: Providers execute AI services.

    • The network schedules task distribution.

    • Miners accept tasks and generate outputs.

    • After completion, miners send the output back to the client and notify the network.

  3. Sending Outputs: Ensuring availability of generated output.

    • Providers use Miner.SendOutput to maintain output availability.

    • Failure in availability may invalidate the service, affecting rewards.

    • Negative reviews may result from unfulfilled output delivery.

Mining Cycle Overview (for Service Providers)

StepDescriptionKey Points


Service Providers commit resources to the network

- Deposit collateral and register via Miner.RegisterResource - Collateral returned upon unregistration - Registration allows adding model claims to the ledger

Service Executables

Execution of AI services

- Network distributes tasks - Miners accept tasks and generate outputs - Signed service completion claim upon task completion

Sending Outputs

Maintaining availability of generated outputs

- Use of Miner.SendOutput for output delivery - Inconsistent availability may affect rewards

Last updated