Rewards for miners

As we've discussed in the context of the inflation model, it's important to explore how rewards are distributed to individual miners. In traditional models like the one used in the Solana ecosystem, rewards are given out based on how many tokens validators have staked. However, in our system, the way rewards are handed out is a bit more complex.

Miners don't just earn rewards for the computational work they do. More importantly, they're rewarded for the quality of the services they provide. This quality is measured by factors like their reputation, the logs of the services they've provided, and the volume of work they've completed as recorded by the global ledger.

We propose a system where miners are rewarded based on their contribution over a certain period. This contribution is measured from the time of the last reward distribution to the time of the next one. To calculate this, we consider both the number of requests a miner has processed for each type of service during this period, and the importance or weight of each service type.

The weight assigned to each service type reflects its complexity and computational demands. For example, services related to text processing might be given a lower weight compared to more resource-intensive services like those involving image processing.

Throughout this time period, we take into account all the different types of services available in the marketplace, including any new ones that might be added. The community DAO decides the weight for these new services.

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